
This blog chronicles the triumphs and trials of fiction writer Darius Jones.

If I had to answer the question: “What sort of fiction do you write?” I would answer: Cosmic Horror, Weird Fiction, or Dark Fantasy. My favorite label for what I write is “Transcendental Horror.” That is, it’s usually set in a world like ours, but on closer examination, that world is a little “off.” Think: The Twilight Zone or Meow Wolf’s House of Eternal Return. It also involves “transcending” or lifting up and above whatever false limitations you had created in your own mind.

My intent in all of this is not to provide a refuge from the world or escapism. It’s not to take people out of this world. Rather, it’s to drive them deeper into it. To change the frequency on their personal receiver just so…To show them a glimpse of something more real than they ever imagined or thought possible. Because that’s the strangest thing of all…Don’t you think?

When it comes to historical fiction, there are certain places and times I feel drawn to again and again. Those include medieval Muslim Spain (al-Andalus), the ancient Middle East and Russia (long, long story).

For a flavor of what I write, here’s a list of works I have published:

For what I’m working on now, see my Works in Progress.

I’m a member of the Horror Writers Association, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, the Science Fiction Poetry Association, and the Northern Virginia Writers’ Club. These organizations do a great job of representing and supporting me and my fellow writers. I highly recommend memberships in them (or your local equivalent) if you yourself are getting serious about this writing thing!

As for me, there’s not much to tell…Let’s just say I write fiction whenever I get a chance.


[UPDATED: Jan. 2024. Author photo: Roger Hammons Photography. Header photo: Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness in New Mexico under Creative Commons license.]

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