This Blog Reaches 100 Followers–Plus Shoutouts

Ye olde blog here just reached 100 followers. Not bad. And it comes right after passing its 2nd anniversary of the blog.

I was feeling pretty awesome about this when, the other day, I decided to visit my sister-in-law’s blog and found she had about 3 times as many visitors in a comparable time period. And I’m the one who’s supposed to be the writer here. Oh well…

…Still, it’s quite an accomplishment. I couldn’t be happier knowing that 100 people out there check out my blog on a regular basis. To celebrate, I’m going to give a shout-out to some of my blog followers today. Especially those that are doing the same thiPower, Money, Art Patronage. It's good to be the I’m doing: writing fiction.

But first, let me ask a little favor: Please stop by THEIR blogs and check them out. And if they have books or stories available, please consider BUYING them and leaving a review. And when you stop by their blogs, don’t be afraid to COMMENT on a post. They won’t bite… hard…as Austin Powers said. Trust me!

Remember, you may not be Pope Julius II, but you can patronize the arts and support real artists just the same with a few dollars and a few clicks. So, thanks in advance for supporting the art of writing and now…Drumroll please. Here they are are in reverse order, with those who most recently followed the blog coming first and the original, Back-in-the-Day followers coming last. 

Grady P. Brown (Blog Follower #100)
I’ve jut “met” Grady virtually via the blog, so I haven’t had a chance to get to know him or his writing. On his blog, he says he’s a “science fiction author who is diagnosed with high functioning autism” and “a connoisseur of the science fiction, fantasy, and superhero genres.” His superhero novel set in Los Angeles, The Young Guardians and the Genesis Spell is out now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Anna Bayes (Blog Follower #96)
On her blog, Anna says that “sex is not the only thing she writes about, but mind-shattering, great sex makes her feel alive, and so it has become a topic she writes about with gusto.” She also “admires how a story with multiple layers of meaning can be packed into just a few hundred words” and “aspires to produce good work in the short story form.”

It is very, very difficult to write good erotica (I have dabbled and failed) and the little I’ve read of her stuff is top notch. Her latest piece is Love Letter available on Amazon Kindle. (The story is for the 18+ crowd, so be advised.)

Tim W. Burke (Blog Follower #89)
This guy I actually met in the flesh at RavenCon. Speaking of flesh, his latest book, The Flesh Sutra is out and has already garnered some great reviews. He has a blog where he self publishes some stuff and a Facebook page. He’s published a lot of stories in top-notch magazines and there are more to come. Look forward to reading a lot more horror (Tim, please include the dark humor too. I love that stuff!!!) from him.

Kenneth Jobe (Blog Follower #28)
Watch this guy. He’s just getting started, but his writing makes you feel like he’s been doing this a long time. His blog, The Books of Jobe, covers writing, music, movies and everyday life. It’s hilarious and insightful at the same time. He recently published “Tale of the Revolution” in Nebula Rift and “Aiden’s Acting Up Again” in The Rusty Nail Literary Journal of May/June 2014.

I can’t wait to see where his writing goes next.

Lita Burke (Blog Follower #3)
Lita was one my first followers on this blog. She is an “Indie fantasy writer” and writes about the worlds she creates on her blog. Her latest novel is Wrath, Prequel to Tredan’s Bane and is available on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords.

Apologies to those I passed over this time. There are a lot of great writers out there and I would have loved to highlight you all. In time, I hope to write about more of you.

Until next time…Keep reading, keep writing,

Darius Jones

4 thoughts on “This Blog Reaches 100 Followers–Plus Shoutouts

  1. Thanks for the shout out, brother! I’ve been tied up by a new shift at my new job, and finding the time to write and blog has been rough these last couple weeks. Seeing my name on here really gave me a boost, thanks a lot!


  2. Hey, man, no problem! Glad I could be the nudge/shove/kick you needed to sit down and write. I know what you mean about finding the time, it can be rough to make the world stop, sit down and bang out some words.

    Keep fighting the good fight,



  3. Thanks so much for the shout out, Darius. Congrats on reaching 100 followers for your blog.


    1. No problem. And thanks for following, Lita.


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